Joy Comes in the Morning
A good friend asked me this past week about how I’ve seen God working in this specific period of time - this time that has produced fear and panic in so many. While I had thought about it some, I hadn’t really given it the thought it deserved. How is God working in my life and in those around the world? Two passages came to mind as I thought about fear. The first was Psalm 30. While I won’t write it all here, please read it! David’s psalm is written after he has experienced a trial, something that was unexpected and uninvited. Yet, through this trial, he learned that God deserves all our praise. In verse two, he remembers that he cried out to Him, and He not only heard, but He healed. Jumping to verse six in that chapter, David mentions prosperity. He believed that he would never be brought low again because of all that God had done in his life. Yet, God used that circumstance to show him that even in plenty, h...