Break from Bible Road Trip.... Leviticus and Hebrews

Hello everyone! We took a break from Bible Road Trip (BRT) this week, so I am sharing with you something I learned in my personal bible study.

   I use the First 5 app by Proverbs 31 Ministries....and while some of the things on there (mostly related to salvation) are not exactly true, there are many things that I have gotten out of this bible study. I started up about a couple months ago, and it's been very enjoyable! I encourage you guys to check it out sometime!
   Sometime this last week, the devotional was on the Holy of Holies...especially on when and how they were able to enter in. The priest had to go through this very detailed purification process; plus, he was only able to go in ONCE A YEAR!!! This got me thinking. You already know (at least I'm pretty sure that you do) that the veil that separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies was torn top to bottom when Jesus died on the cross. This showed that, 1) There was no need to offer sacrifices anymore, and 2) Anyone who is saved can go into the "Holy of Holies."
   What do I mean by that? Well, think about it. Only the high priest could go into the presence of the Lord. Even then, he could only go in once a year! The role of a priest was to intercede for people...kind of like if you had two friends fighting, and you talked to each of them and conveyed messages between them...they can't talk to each other face to face, but they are willing to do it with you. Now that isn't the perfect example, because God listens to everyone's prayers. However, we as saved people can intercede/pray for lost individuals...since they probably don't realize their need for Christ. Now, don't get me wrong, we can't save them; but we can pray that God will open their eyes to see their need for Christ.

   Now that we have that squared away, let's get to the main point I would like to make. We see that the high priest could only go into God's (figurative) presence once a year (because He is everywhere). We are able to pray to Him whenever we want! We are given special access to Him because of Christ being the perfect High Priest. Through Christ, we are able to have free access to often do you take advantage of that?


  1. What beautiful insight! And a thought provoking question. I just started using the First 5 app and have also really enjoyed it, though I differ from a few of their teachings as well. Great job Grace! 😊🙏


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