Which Anchor Holds?

   Imagine you are watching a ship...it's far out at sea. The wind and waves are raging wild, and it doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. You are traveling from England to India, going around Africa in the process. In order to stay on route, you need to stay in one spot to weather out the storm...otherwise you'll be lost at sea. So you let down your anchor to wait out the storm...

   When we face difficult times (injuries, relationships, school, work, etc.) what do we do? Take this for example. Our country (America) has passed a powerful law that allows transgender people to go to the school restroom that they identify their gender with...a.k.a. "girl" can go into girls, "boy" can go into boys. This has raised controversy already, as it should, and made people rethink their stand on the transgender issue. I'm personally not going to dive into this topic...since that is not the purpose of this post. I do not support the transgender "reformation" if you will, though.

   We live in a day and age where our culture is constantly switching their morals. Ten years ago, no one ever dreamed of passing a law that made homosexuality legal, much less the ability to be transgender legal. Now, it seems that most of America is on board with this agenda and promoting it wholeheartedly.

   As Christians, it is important to understand and remember where our foundation is. We are supposed to build on our foundation, which is solid  and can withstand any test or trial. It is our human tendency to want to do what the world does...thereby making ourselves look "cool" or "popular." What does that say to the people who know we've said we are Christians? They would obviously think that we are just like anyone else...why would they want to have Christ in our lives?

   Most importantly, if you build on Jesus, the strong foundation, then He will protect you in the way He sees fit. Now, it may not be in the way we expect it, but He will protect us. If you choose to build your morals and belief on the world's standards, you are going to have no idea what you believe in pretty soon. That's pretty scary if you think about it.

   So what will it be? Will you put down your anchor and stand firm, or will you choose to not and let yourself be carried by the winds and waves of the world? I would encourage you to study James 1:5-8...faith and a firm foundation are the only things that will carry us through anything.


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