Week 5 and 6...Joseph and The Exodus

   Sorry I didn't post last week!  My week just went bonkers because of mom being sick, so we postponed finishing Genesis until Monday... and then I was busy... and then I was tired. So here I am writing two weeks worth of information! ; )

   Joseph is a pretty popular guy, but for sake of recapping, let's just browse by him again.  He was the firstborn son of Rachel, Jacob's favorite wife.  Thus, Jacob treated Joseph better than any of his (Joseph's) brothers.  One day, Jacob sent him to find his brothers and get a report on their health, food, water, etc.  Joseph's brothers saw him coming and decided to throw him into a pit, and then sell him to some merchants on their way to Egypt.  Many years pass, Joseph is sold to Potiphar, and then is wrongly accused of trying to make Potiphar's wife commit adultery.  Then he is thrown into prison, interprets some dreams, and is finally set free by Pharaoh, who puts him in second-in-command in all of Egypt.  Joseph's brothers come down to Egypt because of the famine, and after some drama, Jacob and his family all move down to Egypt.  One thing that I got from Joseph's life was his patience, optimism, and willingness to follow the Lord, no matter the circumstances.  

   Now, let's fast forward about 400 years, and talk about Moses and the Exodus.  Moses was born during the decree from Pharaoh that wanted all the Hebrew baby boys killed.  His mother hid him, and eventually set him on the river and Pharaoh's daughter took him and cared for him.  Thus, he grew up in Pharaoh's household.  When he was around forty, he saw a taskmaster hurting an Israelite slave, and killed the taskmaster.  Pharaoh was angry, and Moses ran away to Midian, where he married Zipporah and had two sons.  God came and spoke to him at the burning bush and told him to go back to Egypt to rescue the Israelites.  Moses did, after receiving some signs and relief that he didn't need to speak to Pharaoh.  After the ten plagues, Pharaoh finally let the Israelites go, and they went on their way, suffering a little "attack" at the Red Sea.  The Israelites made their way to Marah, and eventually Mount Sinai, where we will pick up next time.  

   Moses had a problem with speech, and probably was an introvert... like a MAJOR introvert.  However, this story, just like several other ones proves that God uses whoever he wants to accomplish his purpose.  We just have to be willing to do whatever He tells us to do.

  I'm swimming against Diamond today... they are the best team in the region.  We swam Chugiak last week. Whatever happens though, it's going to be a lot of close races, so it will be fun. : )   


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