5 Ws and an H of Seeking the Lord...for Lost AND Saved

   Hey guys! I haven't written in a while...mostly because I've been away at SALT Camp for the last two weeks...it took me about a week to catch my breath...so I'm here now getting to write! : ) Let me tell you...If you are a teen and you have a program that does SALT(Servant and Leadership Training) it is well worth your time to go do it! If you live in Alaska...Victory Bible Camp is the program I went to. The camp is focused on Christ...plus you get to do dishes and clean bathrooms...and hang out with fellow believers! Anyway...just wanted to throw that out there first. ; )

    I've had it on my heart for awhile now...and especially after going to this camp and listening to my dad's past mid-week lesson...but I would like to talk about seeking the Lord. I'm just going to organize these thoughts into a brief summary...that way it's not TOO overwhelming. : )

What is seeking? Why should I seek? 

  Basically, this is trying to find God. Now, God isn't hiding from us literally, but think about this: If you've lost your phone, you would kind of like to find it...am I right? It's the same thing with God...He's too valuable(even more than any valuable thing in this world) to not search and seek after. 

Who is seeking for?

   Seeking is for both saved and lost. If you are lost, you are seeking him to start a relationship with him. If you are saved, you are seeking him to build your relationship with him. 

When should I seek?

   All across the board, we should always be seeking after God. In the lost's case, they need to be saved...and God is the only one who can do that. Thus, they need to constantly be seeking him until they are saved, because they will otherwise die in their sins. On the flip side, the saved need to seek him for the forgiveness of their sins ('cause we all have sinned...even after we've been saved), guidance, comfort, and various other things to maintain our relationship with him. Here's a side note...we should ALWAYS go to God before anyone else with our problems. He is the one who can help us and direct us to do what he would have us to do. 

Where should I seek?

   Anywhere, anytime. I know there are a lot of testimonies where people have been saved in a church service or at the altar...but God isn't limited to the church building/service. I was saved in the car as we were riding to church. Lots of people have been saved in their bed. I even have heard of someone who got saved in a submarine! Basically...don't get under the illusion that you HAVE to be in church to be saved. 

How should I seek?

   With ALL your heart. There aren't any special prayers or words that will save you. You have to go to God and lay it all at his feet. 


   I would encourage you to read 2 Chronicles 20:1-34...it's the story of King Jehoshaphat seeking after God in the midst of a difficulty Israel was going through. It's really encouraging to look at people's examples of how they sought after God...and how their prayers were eventually answered. Another great example of this is Hannah...you can read her story in 1 Samuel 1. Until next time!


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